We are a group of women who want to help other women who are in complicated situations and who have been forced into prostitution. To do so, we carry out different actions:
We help you find residential resources where you will have the opportunity to start from zero.
We offer you free condoms and, sometimes, HIV tests.
We inform you about the different STDs that exist (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
If you need it, we help you find other centers to get a gynecological checkup.
We offer you psychological attention, so you will find a space where you can talk and ask for help in case you need it.
If you want our help, you can find us in several cities. These are our telephone numbers:
Galicia: 681059834 PaĆs Vasco: 623037672 Comunidad de Madrid: 623020352 Comunidad Valenciana: 683702839 Psychological attention: 623037636 / 608311769